BCSC EBL Rules/Regulations/Concepts

  • Basketball Rules: The EBL follows NFHS basketball rules, except when noted below under "BCSC EBL Rules".





    1. PURPOSE


    The purpose of the BCSC Elementary Basketball League is to provide student-athletes the opportunity to learn the basic fundamental skills of basketball: to instill in student-athletes the positive attitude necessary to successfully compete in a non-hostile, wholesome environment; to teach student-athletes that “successful competitors” are those that adhere to the rules and the spirit in which they are written and are those that give their best efforts in practices, games, and above all, in the classroom.  Toward these ends, the elementary coaches will work closely with the coaches at the middle schools and the high schools.




    The BCSC Elementary Basketball League (EBL) Basketball Council consist of an Athletic Director (AD) from each elementary school, three principal representatives designated by the BCSC and the Elementary Basketball League Director.  The Council will meet monthly and will arrive at consensus on handling the routine, administrative matters of the EBL.  It is the role of each AD to supervise the basketball program within his/her school and to monitor coaches’ compliance with the rules and guidelines of the EBL.  The AD will maintain an advisory group comprised of the basketball coaches from BCSC’s secondary schools.

                An Executive Council is comprised of the Director and the three elementary principals and will render all decisions relating to matters that require disciplinary action.

                The Director (chosen by BCSC) presides over all meetings, will record the minutes of each meeting and will maintain an updated account of the revenues generated by the EBL.




    1. Meetings: BCSC Elementary Basketball Council meetings will be held at monthly.


    1. Game Sites: HOME GAMES are played in the gyms of the member schools when available.       If not, arrangements for a gym are to be made by the member school.


    1. Game Times:  Wednesday is the usual day for games with the first game starting at 5:30 p.m. and the second game beginning twelve minutes after the first game ends.  Other days may be utilized by the Director for scheduling games.  The order of the games will be alternated yearly.


    1. Admissions: A maximum price for all games is established by the council.


    1. Uniforms: The use of uniforms is encouraged. If and when uniforms are purchased, the member schools must adhere to the BCSC Elementary Basketball Rules and Regulations – Seven (7). The list of teams’ colors must be consulted.


    1. Playing Rules and Regulations:       Rules are published in a separate document: BCSC Elementary Basketball League Rules. It is the responsibility of the BCSC high school varsity coaches to draft these rules. Recommendations from Basketball Council will be considered. Unless otherwise indicated in the rules document, we will follow IHSAA guidelines.


    1. Consent and Waiver: A basketball player and/or cheerleader must complete a “Consent and Waiver Form”. The form must be signed by the player’s/cheerleader’s parent/guarding BEFORE tryouts.


    1. Physical Examination: A basketball player and/or cheerleader must pass a physical examination and have a physical exam form signed by a certified provider BEFORE being allowed to tryout for a school’s particular team.       The form must be on file at the student’s school according to the particular school’s filing procedure.       The Physical Examination procedure places the BCSC Elementary Basketball League in compliance with the BCSC secondary schools.


    1. Coach Section: The member school is reminded that proper coach selection is the single-most critical element in making a basketball program operate effectively. A coach must understand that he/she must attend the Coaches’ Clinic, which is held on his/her behalf each year. If he/she or a member of the coaching staff does not attend the Coaches’ Clinic, there will be a fine of $25. The conduct of a coach is governed by the BCSC Elementary Basketball Council, and if necessary, a matter concerning a coach will be discussed by the BCSC Elementary Basketball Council and dealt with by the Executive Council.

    Action regarding the alleged misdeed of a coach with respect to the BCSC Elementary Basketball League Coach’s Job Description and/or violation of the BCSC Elementary Basketball League Rules and/or Regulations and General Concepts will be swift and timely.  The BCSC Elementary Basketball League Executive Council will review the coach’s alleged wrongdoing.  If the Executive Council determines that the coach is guilty of a violation in respect to the job description, the rules and/or regulations and general concept of the league, the coach will:

    1. First Incident:  Be suspended from one week’s practice and one game during which time the coach cannot supervise his/her players.  The coach will not contact or communicate with his/her players during the suspension.  Furthermore, the coach must not attend the team’s practices or game(s) as on observer during this time.

    The coach’s suspension cannot occur during the “open” week; it must occur during a week when a league game is scheduled.  If the school has an “open” week during the first week of the season, the suspension will take place during the following week when the team has a scheduled league game.

    (Exception:  a coach’s first technical foul will not result in any suspension but will result in a $25 fine from the coach – not the school.)


    1. Second Incident:  The coach will be relieved of his/her coaching responsibilities, and the coach will not coach his/her team for the remainder of the season.

    (Exception:  a second technical foul will result in a one-game (one week) suspension during which the coach may not attend games (even as an observer) or practices.  A third technical foul will result in an indefinite suspension from the team pending a hearing with the Executive Council.)


    1. Practices and Game Schedules: The Director will determine the calendar starting dates for tryouts and the calendar length of the season.       Prior to the start of the season’s games, teams will practice a minimum of three and not more than five times per week, Monday – Saturday. After the start of the season, teams must practice a minimum of two times per week plus a game OR a maximum of four practices plus a game. A team meeting to review game video constitutes a practice. IN ACCORDANCE WITH IHSAA GUIDELINES: SUNDAY PRACTICES, GET-TOGETHERS, of any kind and/or OPEN GYMS, SHOOT AROUNDS ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Teams cannot add games and tournaments in addition to the games and tournaments conducted within the BCSC EBL.       During a practice, a controlled scrimmage can be conducted. No admission can be charged for these scrimmages.


    1. Officials: It is recommended that two IHSAA licensed basketball officials work each game. However, ONE official can officiate the game(s) if the other scheduled official is not present. The working official will receive double pay for working the game(s). A delay in the start of the game(s) must not occur due to an official’s absence. The home team’s Athletic Director must inform the visiting team’s coaches and Athletic Director of the situation before the game(s) begin.       Officials will be represented at the Basketball Council meetings through a Referee Representative.       Compensations for game officials will be set by the BCSC EBL Council. Officials are encouraged to attend any organization meeting of the BCSC Elementary Basketball Officials during the season.       Official must report any problems they may encounter to the Referee Representative so the issue(s) may be brought before the Basketball Council. Officials will conduct themselves in accordance with the IHSAA guidelines. Officials will report all technical fouls to the Referee Representative, the EBL Director, and the home team’s AD in accordance with the IHSAA procedures.


    1. Minor Officials: Officials for scoring and timekeeping must be adults.       These officials are the responsibility of the home team. The visiting team MUST provide a scorekeeper/monitor at the scorer’s bench.       The OFFICIAL scorer is provided by the home team. All minor officials must remain neutral throughout the game(s) by not coaching and/or cheering from the bench.


    1. Violation Review/Due Process: It should be understood that rules will be violated at some point in time. When this happens, the violation should be brought before the Basketball Council for discussion. Clarification of the violation and sanctions are the responsibility of the Executive Council. In ruling on a violation, the Executive Council will:


    1. Clarify the Violation:  Violation is defined as “any act or attempt to gain advantage of an opponent, by the players, coaches, or fans, which is not consistent with the purpose of the BCSC Elementary Basketball League, governed by the BCSC Elementary Rules and/or Regulations and General Concepts of the BCSC Elementary Basketball League.”


        1. Conduct a Hearing: The Executive Committee will hear all sides of any case and rule, as a body, on a violation. Individual schools involved may appear to address the violation(s), which may be in questions and/or present their case.


        2. Report the Findings/Decision of the Executive Council: The Director will be the responsible party for contacting the school involved in a violation. The Director will report the decision of the Executive Council. It is the Director’s responsibility to see that each involved school/party adheres to the decision of the Executive Council.


        3. Enforce Penalties: Penalties for violations will be determined by the frequency or the severity of the incident(s). Penalties could include, but are not limited to, the following: Written Reprimands – Individual Probation – School Probation – Termination of Individual Participation – Termination of School Participation.


        4. Appeal: Any penalty determined.


    1. Minimum Eligibility Standards for Participants: It is important for each student participant to be in good academic standing at all times. Therefore, the following minimum standards will be provided:
    1. The GRADE must not be below a D- in any graded subject.

    2. An athlete must exemplify excellence in SCHOOL CITIZENSHIP.

      It is understood that declaring a participant INELIGIBLE is an opportunity for the participant to improve his/her academic/school citizenship standing. As such, these guidelines are a minimum. It is within the authority of each participating school to define a higher level of standard and to enforce that level.

                  Furthermore, each individual school must design a procedure to check these areas on a weekly basis that is acceptable by the school’s principal and teaching staff.

                  When a participant is declared ineligible, the parent/guardian will be notified by the school’s principal and/or Athletic Director. The confidentiality or the participant’s record will be maintained at all times. Only the determination of the participant’s eligibility will be made to the coach. The coach MUST be made aware and notified of a participant’s eligibility by the MONDAY of a given week AND/OR BEFORE a scheduled practice or Monday game.


    BCSC Elementary Basketball League


    1. Length of Quarters and Overtime Periods
    1. Six-minute quarters and two minute overtime periods will be utilized.


    1. Time-Outs: 3 Full Time outs(1 minute) & Two 30 second timeouts per game
    2. Time Between Quarters: 1 minute
    3. Time Between Halves: 8 minutes
    4. Time Between Games: 12 minutes
    5. ****All teams must have at least 10 minutes of warm-up time


    1. CLOCK
      1. The clock will stop according to IHSAA rules.


    1. GAME BALL
    1. An IHSAA approved, junior-size (28.5 in.) leather/composite leather ball is to be used.


    1. TIME-OUTS
    2. Each team will be allowed three full & two thirty second time outs per game and one full time-out each for every overtime session. After 45 seconds of a time-out, a warning horn is blown.  Players must be on the floor and ready to play before the second horn is sounded 15 seconds later.
    3. Horn will sound at 20 seconds for 30 second time outs.(No cheer during 30)


    1. NUMBERS
    2. Numbers will be worn on the back and ideally on the front of uniforms.  Only the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are to be used.




    2. The one-and-bonus will be in effect beginning with the seventh team foul of each half.  Two free throws will be awarded on the tenth foul of each half. Boys will use 15ft free throw line, girls 12ft free throw line.


    2. A player becomes INELIGIBLE if his/her 13th birthday occurs before August 1.  This is in accordance with IHSAA rules.  To be eligible as a member of a BCSC elementary team, a prospective player and/or cheerleader must have a completed physical examination form and a completed/signed Consent and Waiver Form on file at the school prior to team tryouts.  This procedure brings the BCSC Elementary Basketball League into compliance with the athletic procedure of the BCSC’s secondary schools.  Furthermore, all participants must maintain the minimum eligibility standard as stated in the BCSC Elementary Basketball League Regulations and General Concepts, Part III, N.


    2. Basketball teams will consist of 12 members, unless 13 students tryout, in which case all 13 will be team members. If 14 or more students tryout, the coach must make cuts resulting in a 12 member team. If 13 or fewer students tryout, all students will be team members and no cuts will be made.

                                                                  i.      12 students try out = no cuts, all 12 students make the team

                                                                ii.      13 students try out = no cuts, all 13 students make the team

                                                              iii.      14 or more students = cut roster to 12 members

    1. If not enough students tryout to fill the roster of 12, a school is permitted to allow 4th grade students to try out, however no 5th or 6th student is to be cut in order to use the 4th grade.


      1. Each basketball player must receive a minimum of one quarter of playing time in each game unless injured or ineligible due to grades or behavior.



      1. IHSAA rules will govern play with these exceptions:


                                                                  i.      The three-point field goal will not be awarded.

                                                                ii.      No full court defense if a team is up by 10 or more.

                                                              iii.      If a team cannot field a team on game night of at least 8 players, the game will be considered a forfeit, however, an exhibition game will be played.


      1. IHSAA rules (and General Concepts, Section I) govern technical fouls and ejections.  Any form of inappropriate behavior (vulgar language, violating the spirit of playing rules, the obvious use of alcohol and tobacco products when the coach is in direct supervision of his/her team members) will be addressed by the BCSC Elementary Basketball Council and could be the basis of disciplinary action.  (See, also, BCSC Elementary Basketball Regulations and General Concepts, Section I).

                                                                  i.      A coach’s first technical foul will not result in any suspension but will result in a $25 fine from the coach – not the school.  A second technical foul will result in a one-game (one week) suspension during which the coach may not attend game (even as an observer) or practices and a $25 fine.  A third technical foul will result in an indefinite suspension from the team pending a hearing with the Executive Council.

                                                                ii.      During a live ball, the head coach may sit on the bench or kneel or stand within a designated 6-foot wide coach’s box to instruct his/her team.  Assistant coaches must stay seated and may not communicate with officials during live-ball situations.

                                                              iii.      All bench personnel (official scorer, guest scorer, timekeeper, and/or announcer) seated at the scorer’s bench must remain neutral throughout the athletic contest.  These individuals must not help coach the team during the playing of the game, and they must not cheer for either team during the game, including timeouts. If a scorer’s bench official violates this rule overtly, the offending bench official will first be warned by the game official, and a future violation will result in a technical foul being assessed.  When a bench official is assessed a technical foul, he/she will be replaced for the remainder of the game.  The principal and Athletic Director will determine if the individual will continue serving the team and school in that capacity.





    2. A player receiving an unsportsmanlike conduct technical foul will be taken out of game at the point where the technical was assessed and will also have to sit out the next game 


    1. JEWELRY
      1. No jewelry will be allowed during practice or games, including Cheerleading. 


      1. Undergarments may be worn if the color is the same as the basic uniform. 


      1. Refer to the BCSC Elementary Basketball Regulations and General Concepts, Section J. 


      1. Any players changing schools after the season has begun, may try-out and play for the new school.  However, the original players may not be cut to make room for new players. The roster should not exceed the maximum of 12.

                                                                  i.      A student, who has not previously been a participant in the BCSC EBL during the current season, must participate in six scheduled team practices before participating in a scheduled game. Practice cannot be more than one practice per day, may not occur on Sunday or designated game days and must conform to the BCSC EBL league rules. 





    1. ROSTERS


      1. Names and numbers will be shared with other schools prior to the start of the season. 


      1. A six-foot wide coach’s box must be indicated in a manner that is acceptable with the BCSC Elementary Basketball Council.


      1. Sunday practices, shoot-arounds, get-togethers, etc. are prohibited.  (See BCSC Elementary Basketball Regulations and General Concepts, Section J.)  According to written Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation Board Policy, neither games nor practices of any kind can occur in elementary schools when school is cancelled throughout the BCSC due to inclement weather or other corporation-wide situations.  When school is dismissed early throughout the BCSC due to inclement weather or other corporation-wide situations, neither games nor practices can occur in elementary schools.  And, when BCSC schools have a delayed start to the school day due to inclement weather or other corporation-wide situations, morning practices cannot occur before the actual start of school.
      2. Preseason “open gyms” and conditioning programs are allowed if all students at the school are invited and allowed to participate.  These programs must be advertised to all.  Intramural programs are allowed if not run by the coach of either team.  Fifth and sixth grade intramural basketball programs can coincide with the elementary basketball season.
      3. Practices cannot exceed five times per week, including a game (Monday through Saturday).  During the Holiday break, a practice schedule can be developed with the approval of the school’s principal.





      1. Under no circumstances can a representative of a future or past opponent videotape a game (regular season or tournament) in which two other schools are participating.


      1. During regular season play, however, permission to videotape will be granted to parents or representatives of the visiting team.  It is the responsibility of those individuals wanting to videotape, to identity themselves to the HOME TEAM’S Athletic Director prior to the start of the game(s).


      1. During tournament play, parents or representatives of the two participating schools may videotape after identifying themselves to the tournament site’s director.