• Image result for destination imagination
    Destination Imagination is an international creative problem solving program. There are several problems offered each year. Students in grades K-6 are invited to participate. An informational meeting is held in late October or early November. Teams are managed by parent volunteers. Teams may consist of 5-7 students and the meeting times are set by the team managers.
    The competition involves two specific problems. Each team has a long-term problem that they work on throughout the season and then they perform their solution at regional competition which is held in March. In addition to that problem, each team solves an instant challenge at the competition.
    The top teams at regional competition advance to a state competition that is in April. The top two teams in each problem are then invited to compete at the world finals held in May.
    The emphasis in Destination Imagination is on student solutions. Managers are not allowed to contribute ideas to the teams’ solutions. They may teach teams various skills etc., but all solutions must be student-generated and student performed. For more information about Destination Imagination, please visit the organization's  website here.
Last Modified on July 18, 2018