•  Welcome!


    Hello!  My name is Alisha Thompson, and I’ll be your School Counselor. Since I’m new, I thought I’d let you know a little about me.

    I have a husband, Cody, and a four year old daughter, Lola. I love spending time with family and friends, and I enjoy gardening, mowing our lawn, riding bikes, and swimming.

    In my new role as School Counselor, I’ll split my time between CSA Fodrea and CSA Lincoln. I’ll be at Fodrea on Monday and Wednesday and at Lincoln on Tuesday and Friday. Thursday will be alternated between both schools.

    I’m excited to offer guidance lessons to the students, with each month having a theme (get to know you, bullying, choices, peer pressure, generosity, honesty, diversity, conflict resolution, stress.)  I will also have small group sessions and meet with students on an individual basis (as needed.) Each month I will be providing information sheets about trending counseling/mental health topics.   
    Name: Alisha Thompson 
    Email Address: thompsona@bcsc.k12.in.us
    Phone number:

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