• Mrs. Sydell Gant
    Mrs. Gant was born and raised in Columbus, attending Parkside Elementary, Northside Middle School, and Columbus North High School. She graduated from Indiana University in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. Her first teaching position was at Northside Middle School where she taught four years of 8th grade science on the North Star Team.  During this time, she received her Master of Arts in Elementary Administration from Oakland City University.  After completing a temporary placement at Taylorsville Elementary School as the Assistant Principal, she taught two years of 6th grade at Southside Elementary.  In the summer of 2007 she became the Assistant Principal at Southside, where she remained for five years. During the 2011-2012 school year, she served as the Interim Principal of Taylorsville Elementary School. Now in her 8th year as the Principal, Mrs. Gant is excited to be a part of our committed team of educators!
    Mrs. Gant and her husband Todd also own their own business, Gant Construction & Design, Inc. They have three daughters, Harley (14), Carter (13), and Cooper (9), who keep them very busy! Together, they enjoy taking bike rides, playing games, and traveling to Florida for their vacations!







Last Modified on July 30, 2019