    Recommended Websites Recommended Websites

    Below is a list of websites that can be very useful for parents.


    General Parenting Advice

    OneToughJob.org - This website provides parents with current, reliable, and practical information on a variety of parenting topics

    PBS Parents - This website is filled with information on child development and early learning.



    Kidshealth.org - This website has some great information about identifying ADHD, how it is treated, and what parents can do to help your child at home and in the classroom.

    National Institute Mental Health - This website is a great resource for learning in-depth information on ADHD such as the causes of it and the treatment for it.


    Cyber Bullying


    http://backgroundchecks.org/cyber-bullying-helping-the-bullied-stopping-the-bullies.html - This website provides expert advice and many articles for parents on the topic of bullying.




    Anxiety Disorders Association of America - This website offers information and support for those who suffer from anxiety and there is a section specifically about anxiety in children and what parents can do to help