When to Keep/Send a Child Home from SchoolWhen a child is not feeling well, here are the symptom guidelines our school corporation employs to decide if a student should stay/go home:
- Temperature of 100 degrees or more–- Inflamed eyes with thick mucus or drainage (pink eye / conjunctivitis)–- Severe pain–- Vomiting or diarrhea (2 or more episodes within 24 hours)–- Unknown rashes or skin lesions (open sores)–- Lice: Student must be treated and head checked in the nurse's office prior to returning to school. When head lice are found at school on a student; a parent must pick the child up at school. The child is not allowed to
ride the bus home if found having head lice.–- Chicken pox: Student must remain at home until all pox are scabbed over and dry.
Last Modified on July 16, 2018