Parent Student Opportunities
NEW Scholarships Available: IAG Scholarship Information for High School SeniorsThe Indiana Association for the Gifted is accepts entries for its yearly scholarship competition from January - March each year. The scholarship is for current seniors. Visit www.iag-online.org to view the informational packet with essay and multimedia presentation topics, gather the required test score reports and letters of recommendation, and then complete the online entry form!
NEW Summer Opportunity: GERI Summer Camps at PurdueThe Gifted Education Resource Institute has a very exciting summer planned for students of all ages! Kindergarten - 4th grade students have the opportunity to participate in Super Summer & 5th - 12th grade students can join Summer Residential. Visit www.education.purdue.edu/geri/ or call (765) 494-7243 for more information.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation seeks high-performing 7th graders with financial need for its Young Scholars Program. Selected students receive an on-staff educational adviser and services, which may include help planning a suitable academic course load, summer academic and enrichment program opportunities, study-abroad and community-service opportunities, lessons to develop music, art, or other talents, college and career counseling, and the opportunity to network with the larger JKCF Scholar community. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/1a12pQV
The Young Scholars Program is highly competitive and attracts outstanding applicants from across the United States.The application (there is no cost to apply) and more information will be available soon. Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about the scholarship.
Midwest Academic Talent Search (MATS) See the linked website for more information about registration, eligibility, and dates of testing. Scholarships are available through MATS based on need. NUMATS provides eligible students, in grades 3-9, the opportunity to participate in above grade level testing. Depending on grade level and eligibility, they may take the EXPLORE, SAT or ACT tests.Destination ImagiNation, Inc., the world’s largest creativity and problem solving organization, inspires participants in all of its programs, to learn the process, art, and skill associated with problem solving.