    A. Each employee shall have the option of investing in the 403(b) plan up to the maximum allowable under Federal law. The Board shall match such employee contributions on a dollar for dollar basis up to $240 per year.

    B. BCSC shall deposit the employer contributions for each employee into an individual account for the employee in a 401(a) tax-deferred annuity program selected by the employee. Such deposits will be made on an annual basis. The vendor so selected by the employer shall be the sole administrator of employer contributions to the 401(a) program.

    C. All employees shall be able to elect to participate in or make changes in tax- deferred plan(s) on a quarterly basis, i.e. January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. All elections or changes shall be made pursuant to the terms and conditions of said tax-deferred plan(s). Requests may be sent in at any time; however, changes will be effective on January1, April 1, July 1, and October 1or on the last work day prior to that date if any of these dates fall on a non-work day. Requests must be received by BCSC business office at least fifteen (15) days prior to any of the above dates to be effective on that date.

    D. Any contributions made by the employee and all assets derived there from are the property of the employee and, in the event of death, his/her designated beneficiaries or, lacking same, estate. Any contributions made by the employer on behalf of the employee and all assets derived there from become the property of the employee after a five (5) year period from the date of hire. Should an employee leave the corporation prior to the five (5) year vesting date then all contributions made by the employer on behalf of that employee and all assets shall revert to the employer.

Last Modified on February 2, 2015