Smith Sonics !!!
We are curently looking for a head cheerleading coach. If you are interested, please contact me. I will give you all the details and set up a time to meet with you.Home basketball games are priced at $3.00 for adults.....$2.00 for students....$7.00 for families up to 5 people. Away games are priced at their discretion. Players/Cheerleaders get in for free.Please keep in mind that parents of Smith Basketball Players are a representation of Smith School while in the stands for all athletic events. We will have a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior in the stands this year!!!For Information about each individual sport...click the tab pertaining to that sport and get all the info needed.Athletic Director: Curtis Burton at 812-552-3917Contact Info. for Coaches:Boys Basketball: Brayden Cosby- brayden.cosby@gmail.com or 812-344-6367Girls Basketball: Randy Rudzinski - rjrudz@enviro-test.net or 812-314-2450Cheerleading:-
Last Modified on July 17, 2018