    Parents and the extended community are welcome to register as a user on the BCSC website and subscribe to Content E-alerts and Broadcast E-alerts.


    Content E-alerts are sent by teachers and school webmasters when they want to let subscribers know that they have made changes to their webpages. This may be the addition of a school calendar event or headline on the school homepage or an assignment change on a teachers website. Content E-alerts are sent by email.


    Broadcast E-alerts are sent by the BCSC district administration when there will be a school closing, delay or early dismissal or if there is an emergency announcement.  Broadcast E-alerts are sent by mobile phone text-messaging and email.


    For instructions on how to register and subscribe to E-alerts please click on the following link:   www.bcsc.k12.in.us/UserRegistration

Last Modified on February 2, 2009