• What is PBIS?


    Positive Behavior Instructional Support, PBIS, at Southside Elementary School, builds on the strong foundation that was laid many years ago through the incorporation of the Southside Expectations and Lifeskills, and Southside procedures, which have enabled us to create an environment which focuses on expectations rather than rules.


    Southside's PBIS team created the Southside Expectations:


                Personal Best

    Active Listening


    Kindness/No Put Downs


    We also maintained our commitment to the Lifeskills because, true to their name, we feel these qualities will lead to success in life, not just in school!  A list of these Lifeskills and their definitions, including the Southside Expectations, can be found on the PBIS Documents page.


    Our Behavior Matrix is strongly connected to the Southside Procedures.  We connected the behavior expectations for the areas throughout our building to the Southside Expectations.  Our PTO generously donated the funding so that we could purchase the poster sized signs that hang in the Commons, as well as in the Library, in both Computer Labs, in the Mustang Cafe, and on the playground.  The presence of these reminders throughout the school is definitely making a positive impact on our students.  The PBIS team was also charged with creating a list of expectations for the adults of our building, whether they are staff, volunteers, or visitors.  The documents for both our student and adult expectations can also be found on the PBS Documents page.


    One of the components of our Behavior Matrix is new, Mustang Manners Matter.  Our PBIS team felt we needed to add this component so that our entire school community would be reminded of the importance of manners.  Again, having and using manners will facilitate success in life, as well as in school.


    Our Smile-o-Gram process was also reviewed by our PBIS team.  We believed this tradition was too valuable to replace, so we added another element of reinforcement for our students.  A complete description can be found on the PBIS Documents page.


    Finally, the manner in which we discipline students was reviewed, and an infraction plan was created.  We also rewrote our Incident Report to match the Southside Expectations.  A copy of both the Infraction Plan and the Incident Report can be found on the PBS Documents page.


    Southside Elementary School is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for our students and staff through an emphasis on expectations rather than rules.


    If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jackson at jacksonc@bcsc.k12.in.us or 376-4423 ext. 162
Last Modified on December 9, 2014