• Don't forget to send in your Box Top's - tell your friends and family to save them too! Each one is worth 10 cents to our school and it really adds up!  You can find more information at http://www. boxtops4education.com . You can also shop through them online to help us earn even more money!  
    Also we are no longer collecting water bottle labels as this promotion has expired.

    We want your input! If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or want to help please email us at:  cliftycreekpto@yahoo.com
    The Clifty Creek PTO is in need of vounteers.  Below are a few activities that are coming up where we could use some help.  Please consider volunteering.  Upcoming events will also be posted on this page, so check back often. 

    If you would like to help please contact school: call 376-4342.

    Thank you so much for all of your efforts in making the Clifty Creek PTO successful.

Last Modified on August 12, 2015