It’s a New Year and time to start fresh! The New Year often brings about change. Maybe you are looking to get rid of clutter for a simpler life, maybe you are looking to quit a bad habit or pick up a healthy one. Perhaps it’s a change in lifestyle…maybe being more active or spending time with your family. Here are some ideas to get you going:


  • Create an obstacle course for kids to conquer
  • Walk or run together inside a mall
  • Bundle up and take a nature hike. Look for animal tracks in the snow
  • Head out for some snow time…sled, snow angels, snow people building
  • Decorate an outdoor tree for the birds with apples, pinecones rolled in peanut

Butter and bird seed, or popcorn strings.

  • Ice skating is a great activity for all
  • Whatever activity you choose be sure your dressed appropriately for the weather in layers for warmth, cover heads and hands and don’t forget boots!


Focus produce items this month are Cabbage and Grapefruit! Both are packed with Vitamin C to help beat those pesky winter bugs going around.

Produce selection tips:

 Cabbage-buy firm heavy heads of cabbage. Avoid cabbage that feels light as this is a sign it has lost its moisture. Cabbage keeps about two weeks in the refrigerator. Store in a plastic bag and punch a few holes in the bag so air gets in.

Grapefruit-Fruits should be heavy for their size as this usually means thin skins and a higher concentration of juicier flesh. Because grapefruits are juicier when slightly warm, store them at room temperature if you are planning to eat within a week of purchase. If not, store them in the refrigerator for up to two to three weeks.

Best of luck with your Healthy Lifestyle Plan for the New Year!