Eating fast food generally means more calories, fat, salt and sugar are consumed. These are linked to obesity and heart disease in children and adults. But sometimes in our busy lives the only option is a meal from a fast food restaurant. When this is your only option, here are some tips to make the meal healthier:

  • Skip the burger. Many restaurants now offer grilled chicken items which are usually lower in fat and salt.
  • Try a Fry Alternative. Skip the French fries and choose baked potatoes, fruit or side salads as an option.
  • Hold the cheese. Reduce the fat and calories by removing cheese from the order and add extra lettuce or tomatoes to dress your sandwich.
  • Drink water and low fat milk. No one needs the extra calories and sugar from soda.

February feature produce: Cauliflower and Navel Oranges . Both these items are loaded with Vitamin C to help beat the winter blahs. Choose Cauliflower with no dark blemishes or brown spots. Smell the cauliflower. If it has a strong smell it is past its prime and will probably have an unpleasant taste. Oranges should be heavy for a juicier inside.

Recipe Corner:

Cheddar Cauliflower Soup

2 T. Olive Oil                                                           1 t. salt

1/4C. Chopped onion                                            1/2t. black pepper

4 C. chopped Cauliflower Florets                         3T. Flour

2 1/2C low fat milk, divided                                  1 1/2C Shredded Cheddar

2 C. Water                                                                 1 T. lemon Juice

Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add onions and cook till soft about 5 minutes. Add cauliflower, 2 cups milk, water, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat stirring often. Reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook stirring occasionally till cauliflower is soft about 8 minutes. Whisk the remaining 1/2C milk and flour in a small bowl, stir in milk mixture. Cook over medium-high heat stirring till soup has thickened slightly. Remove from heat and stir in cheese and lemon Juice