
BCSC Cafeterias all participate in the Farm to School movement. Farm to School is an important tool in the fight against childhood obesity, food insecurity, and helps to improve the nutrition of our students by providing fresh, healthy, local foods. This process also helps to decrease our carbon foot print, and supports our local farming community and our local economy. A win-win scenario!


Our cafeterias will be featuring locally grown produce on the menu when available. Please view our menus to see what fruit and/or vegetable is featured this month. We also celebrate National Farm to School Month during the month of October. Please check this webpage or with your child’s school to see what promotions will be happening to recognize the important role farm to school plays in promoting well-being  among children and strong local economies. Some promotions we have had recently include participating in National Food Day and featured locally grown kale in recipes chosen by the students; Meet your Farmer Day with a special visit by local farmer; taste testings and nutrition education programs in the classroom, etc.


Examples of locally grown produce provided by BCSC schools includes tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, & kale.


BCSC Kids +Locally Grown Food = A Healthy School on the right Track!

Farm to School…What are YOU having for lunch today?