Commmunity Working Together on Great Ideas!
    Working together to help each student achieve unique success in life!

    Creating a partnership with the community is vital to schools of the future; collaboration, communication, sharing resources and expertise, and being responsive stakeholders is mutually beneficial to both school and community. The community is rich in resources for students to experience authentic education and assessment. Students are encouraged to apply their eduction in real life setting. It is important for employers to have highly skilled students enter the workforce upon completing formal education and training. It is a win-win situation for everone when good school-community partnerships are fostered. Community visitation, internships, mentoring relastionships, guest speakers, and student volunteerism are components of Pathways to Life. A faculty coordinator assists in identifying businesses, industries, retailers, social agencies, government agencies, and private citizens who wish to partner with the schools.
Last Modified on September 18, 2008