2013-2014 Art Grading Rubric
Following directions
Did not follow directions on the task card.
Followed some directions on task the card.
Followed most directions on the task card.
Followed all directions on the task card.
Artwork shows little or no evidence of original thought.
Artwork lacks sincere creativity.
Artwork demonstrates originality.
The artwork demonstrates a unique level of originality.
Tools and media used in an inappropriate manner with little patience.
Tools and media used in an appropriate manner, showing some patience.
Use of tools and media was above average showing a good deal of patience.
Use of tools and media was outstanding and showed a great deal of patience.
Artwork not finished in a satisfactory manner.
Artwork completed in a satisfactory manner, meeting basic requirements.
Artwork completed with good effort meeting all requirements, yet more could have been done.
Effort far beyond the requirements of the project, with excellent use of time.
Paid little attention, not on task, disturbed others, often spoke in a loud voice level.
Paid attention some of the time, occasionally off task, spoke in a level 2 or 3 voice some of the time,
Paid attention, stayed on task, spoke in a level one voice most of the time.
Paid attention, stayed on task, always spoke in a level one voice.
A+=20,A=18-19, A-=17, B+=16, B=14-15, B-=13, C+=12, C=10-11, C-=9, D+=8, D=6-7, D-=5,F=4 and below