• PowerTeacher Documentation


    PowerTeacher Portal

    PowerTeacher Pro

    PowerTeacher PORTAL User Guide

    PowerTeacher PORTAL Quick Reference Card
    (old but still good for basic navigation)

    PowerTeacher Mobile

    PowerTeacher Mobile FAQ

    PowerTeacher Mobile What's New


    Common Core Standards - Growth Model Report Card

    Growth Model Report Card information can be found in itslearning course BCSC Connect under Elementary Resources/Growth Model Report Card Resources
    • PowerTeacher Pro Quick Reference Guide
    • PowerTeacher Pro Enhancement List
      • Preferred Class Name
      • Standards and Full Student Schedule report options
      • Import scores
      • Copy Traditional Grade Calculations
      • Copy Assignments from PowerTeacher Gradebook
      • Comment Bank usability improvements
      • Formatting bar for class, assignment, and category descriptions
      • Section Readiness report
      • Metrics on Category Totals screen
    • Instructions and tutorials are available in itslearning and on the PowerSchool Support site
Last Modified on December 12, 2018