Core Beliefs
The following core beliefs drive our goal setting and guide our decisions. We review them regularly and revise them when necessary.
CultureWe believe in learning-centered communities, in which all members are known, respected and valued, differences honored, and student voice is heard. We celebrate the successes of all learners.
RelationshipsWe believe students thrive when they experience relationships with peers, staff and families that generate honest, respectful and trusting communication.
ExperiencesWe believe students learn by actively engaging in relevant authentic and flexible project based instruction. Content for learning is immediately applicable and balanced with reflection. Teachers guide learning in a technology-rich environment, which emphasizes 21st century skills.
Habits of Mind
We believe school community members who practice critical thinking and socially engaged intelligence are using their minds well.
CommunityWe believe community partnerships provide learners with a sense of responsibility, inspiring them to become immersed in the community.
AccountabilityWe believe learners prioritize, plan and manage their work. Growth and achievement are assessed from many perspectives including performance of real tasks, self and peer critique, projects and portfolios.
DecisionsWe believe procedural, curricular, cultural and fiscal decisions reflect the core beliefs and the voice of the people directly affected by the decisions. All educators are committed to the decision-making process and model participation in a democratic society.