• Early Release Procedure



    Delay / Early Release Procedures

    I.                    DELAY OF SCHOOL IN AM


    4:00-5:00 AM                  7 buses/Drivers report conditions after driving in their area

                                        to the Manager of Transportation and Asst. Superintendent


    5:30 AM                 Decision is made by Superintendent on recommendation

    5:30-6:00 AM                  All news media contacted


    6:30-7:00 AM to

    8:30-9:00 AM                  Secondary buses pick up 2 hours later than normal


    7:10-7:30 AM to

    9:10-9:30 AM                  Elementary buses pick up 2 hours later than normal


    7:50 AM to

    9:50 AM                  Secondary Schools begin 2 hours later than normal

                                        (Schools operate on an adjusted schedule.  All classes meet

                                        on a shortened schedule.)

    8:15 AM to

    10:15 AM                  Elementary Schools begin 2 hours later than normal



    II.                EARLY DISMISSAL IN PM


    10:00 AM             Decision is made on cancellation of PM Kindergarten and Pre-kindergarten


    10:00 AM            Decision is made on when to take AM Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten home


    11:15 AM to


    1:15 PM            Decision is made on Early Release for 1st-12th grades


    12:15 PM            Earliest time to dismiss elementary if attendance day is to be counted

                                        (2 hours early)

    “All elementary extra-curricular activities whether athletic or non-athletic will be canceled when school is closed due to an emergency.”

                                        (BCSC procedure 4-3-1-5)




    12:45 PM            Earliest time to dismiss secondary students if attendance day is to be counted

                                        (2 hours early)


    “All middle school extra curricular activities whether athletic or non-athletic will be canceled when school is closed due to an emergency.”

    (BCSC procedure 4-3-1-5)


    “All high school extra-curricular activities whether athletic or non-athletic will be considered on an individual basis and will be canceled, if necessary, by the building principal or the principal’s designee.  Cancellation notification will be sent to the local radio stations as soon as the determination has been made.

    (BCSC procedure 4-3-1-5)













Last Modified on July 28, 2008