• Welcome to the Richards PTO Page

    1. I CAN'T AFFORD IT. Richards' PTO does not require or accept dues. It does not cost a dime to attend. As a matter of fact, we'll provide refreshments.
    2. I DON'T KNOW ANYONE THERE. We don't know you either, but we'd like to! Come get to know the parents, teachers and volunteers who work with and for your children.
    3. I DON'T KNOW WHEN THE MEETINGS ARE. We meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Music Room, unless there is a holiday or if school is getting out (don't tease me...).
    4. I DON'T HAVE TIME. Meetings last approximately one hour.
    5. I'M TOO TIRED. There will be beverages with caffeine.
    6. I WORK AT NIGHT. Send Grandma or Grandpa.
    7. I CAN'T SAY 'NO' AND I'LL END UP DOING EVERYTHING. Look in the mirror. Practice saying "no...No...NO!" Seriously, we have a great group and everyone pitches in.
    8. I DON'T HAVE A BABY SITTER. FREE BABYSITTING!!! Sign your kids in at the Cafeteria.
    9. THERE WILL BE LOTS OF OTHER PARENTS THERE SO YOU WON'T NEED ME. PAHLEEEEEESE! If we had a dime for everyone who thought that, we wouldn't need any fundraisers! WE NEED AND WANT YOU!
    10. I DON'T KNOW WHAT PTO STANDS FOR. Please come to your Parent Teacher Organization meetings!
Last Modified on July 23, 2015