• Welcome to the Mt. Healthy Library!


    I am Mrs. Craig and I run the library at Mt. Healthy. Every week each class visits the library for half an hour. Students in need of books at other times may visit the library with their teacher's permission.The number of books that students can check out varies on their grade-level. All books are checked out for two weeks, but I encourage the children to bring their books back to school on library day every week when books may be returned or renewed. As noted by our Eagle Expectations, students are responsible for taking care of their library books and making sure that they are returned in good condition and in a timely manner.


    Mt. Healthy employs a reading program called Accelerated Reader (AR). Most of the books in our library are AR books. There is quiz a available for the AR books, and students in grades 1-6 are given an AR goal for each nine weeks. This program allows our teachers to easily track their students' reading growth. While the AR program is a great way to help students find books that are appropriate for their reading level, and to track reading growth, we understand that students may have an interest in books that are not a part of the AR program, so all of the teachers are invited to let their students check out a free-choice book, which may or may not be an AR book. Please help your children develop a love of reading by encouraging them to read their AR books, but also by helping them read the free-choice books that inspires imaginations.


    Each year Mt. Healthy participates in the Young Hoosier Book Award program. This program allows students across Indiana to be a part of selecting the state winner among the twenty nominated books in each of three categories. The twenty books that have been nominated for the Picture Book Award are read to the students in grades K-3 during their library time. Students will vote after every 6-7 books, and a final vote will be taken before mid-April when the votes are due. All of these students will be eligible to vote for the book with the best pictures. Students in grades 4-6 are invited to read the twenty Intermediate book nominees. Students must read at least five books to be eligible to vote in April for their favorite book. At Mt. Healthy we also have incentives for students who read the intermediate books: 5 books (Smarties and the opportunity to vote), 10 books by the end of January (a DQ Blizzard party), and all twenty books by mid April (a pizza party). 2017-2018 Young Hoosier Book Nominees


    Mt. Healthy also hosts two Scholastic Book Fairs each school year: one in September and one in April. Please keep an eye out for more information closer to the time of the Book Fair. If you are interested in volunteering to help with a Book Fair or if you have any questions or concerns, please email me at craigk@bcsc.k12.in.us or call 812-342-2463.