• Welcome to the Cafeteria

    News from Mrs. Kleffman
    For the safety of your child, please remember to send in a doctor statement to the cafe for any food allergy that your child has so that it can be kept on file.  State law will not let us make any adjustments to the nutrition/menu requirements without doctor specifications.
    Please also remember it is never too late to sign up for lunch assistance.  Everyone is encouraged to do so.  It not only helps you, our school can benefit.  Depending on the percentage or free/reduced students that attend our school, we can qualify for many wonderful educational opportunities.  If your income changes at any time during the school year, please contact the school for a lunch assistance application or download one at the link below.  Remember, never include overtime as your income
    If you have any questions throughout the school year, please feel free to contact Mrs. Kleffman at 342-0520 (7am-2pm) or kleffmanc@bcsc.k12.in.us

    Frequently asked questions
    When does my child eat lunch?
    3rd/4th- 10:45-11:15
    KDG- 11:20-11:50
    5th/6th- 11:50-12:20
    1/2- 12:20-12:50
    How do I find out what's for lunch each day?
    A monthly menu is sent home at the beginning of each month with each student.  The Republic publishes a weekly menu in the Sunday edition. You can also find this information on the BCSC Food Services website.
    How much does it cost to eat lunch and/or breakfast?
    Lunch is $2.60 per day or $13.00 per week, reduced lunch price is $0.40. Breakfast is $1.35 per day or $5.00 per week, reduced breakfast is free.  Breakfast will not be served on days that begin with a two hour delay.  Adults who eat in the cafeteria pay $3.40 for lunch and $1.85 for breakfast.
    How do I pay for my child's lunch and breakfast?
    All BCSC cafeterias utilize a pre-pay/debit system. The system operates on a pre-pay basis so students can deposit funds in advance of use. Deposits can be made to the school cafeteria by cash, Visa/Master Card (debit or credit), or personal check made payable to the school cafeteria. Please indicate your child's name and or student ID # on the check. One check may be written for multiple students-please indicate all children's names and amount to be put in each child's account. You may put money in your child's account electronically using MySchoolBucks.com
    How do I apply for free or reduced lunches?
    Meal assistance is available to all BCSC students that meet income qualifications. An application for meal assistance is give to each student at the start of each school year.  Applications are taken anytime throughout the school year.  The application may be downloaded by clicking here.
    Where do I find the Nutritional Analysis Information of the school food?
    For the Nutritional Analysis Information of school lunch items, please click here (you will be redirected to the BCSC District site).
    Who do I need to contact with questions?
    The cafeteria is managed by Mrs. Kleffman. She may be contacted at kleffmanc@bcsc.k12.in.us or 342-0520 (7am-2pm).

    FDA Food Pyramid