Project Greenhouse
CSA Lincoln Elementary, Michelle Spear & Dean Wright's 5th Grade Classes
Project Greenhouse aims to reopen a portion of the Irwin Gardens to the public and promote awareness of the history and beauty of the gardens. Students will learn about the history of the gardens. They will also learn about the skills needed for upkeep of a greenhouse and gardens. The students will research the types of plants that grow well in the area, as well as what has been planted in this garden in the past. Students will be designing the new garden plots, planting, and maintaining the space. Plans include designing a brochure about the gardens and possibly sharing the excess plants grown with local organizations.
Project News/Notes:- Ribbon cutting celebration will occur on Wednesday, May 25th from 1:00-2:00 pm at the project site
Project Scrapbook:
Community Partners:
Jim & Eve Jackson, The Inn at Irwin Gardens
Purdue Extension Office
Linda Nay, Foundation for Youth
Jack Schmeckbier
Website Resources: - Ribbon cutting celebration will occur on Wednesday, May 25th from 1:00-2:00 pm at the project site
Last Modified on May 16, 2011