April 4

Sixth Grade Raider Report

Quarter 4    Week 2

                                        April 4 - 8

The last quarter of 6th grade is upon us!  Please see the attached sheet about Parent-Teacher Conferences that must be returned by Thursday, April 7.  We will begin the second part of ISTEP+ the week of April 18.  Be on the look-out for information about a fun and exciting field trip!  Information will come soon!

Attention:  Parents

Kelly Harmon will be creating a video for 6th grade graduation.  She is requesting a picture of your child from his/her Kindergarten year.  The picture can be sent via email or hard copy.   The hard copy photo can be sent in to your child's teacher and Kelly will collect them.  (The hard copy picture will be returned.)  This is NOT mandatory.  However, if no kindergarten picture is received, just remember that your child's picture will not be in the video.  Deadline for picture submission is Friday, April 29th.  

Pictures and/or questions can be sent directly to Kelly at mkharmon4@gmail.com.

Thank you!!!



This week we will finish our Literary Elements Project. It is due this Friday, April 8.  The test over these elements will be April 15.

Texts: The Bridge to Terabithia - Chapters 10 - End

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Writing Focus: Compare and Contrast

Reading Strategies and Skills – Literary Devices

Vocabulary Strategy - Context Clues

Reading 30 minutes each evening to meet AR goal

No Spelling and Vocab Tests Friday

Week 3 Bridge to Terabithia - reading response activities due Friday


For the next month we will be visiting our state standards each day to be sure that we are where we need to be! This week our focus is Computation, Geometry, and Data Analysis.

Monday, April 4 - Computation Standards 1, 2, & 3

Tuesday, April 5 - Computation Standards 4 ,5, & 6

Wednesday, April 6 - Geometry Standards 1, 2, & 3

Thursday, April 7 - Geometry Standards 4, 5, & 6

Friday, April 8 - Data Analysis Standards 1, 2, 3, & 4

Check your child’s itslearning math course to see details about each day’s lesson.


We will begin reviewing for ISTEP+ Part 2

Monday, April 4-8 - Physical Science Standards Review

Tuesday, April 5 - Physical Science Standards Review

Wednesday, April 6 - Physical Science Standards Review

Thursday, April 7 - Physical Science Standards Quiz and Earth & Space Science Standards Review

Friday, April 8 - Earth & Space Science Standards Review

We will have an Earth & Space Science Quiz on Wednesday, April 13.


4/7/16 Conference Slip Due!

Week of 4/18 ISTEP+

4/29  Picture due for video!

5/13 - Projected Field Trip Date

5/25/16  Graduation 1:00 p.m.

Please let us know if you have any comments, concerns, or questions!

Mrs. Foster - LA fosterwe@bcsc.k12.in.us

Mrs. Koors- Math koorsg@bcsc.k12.in.us

Mrs. Frazier – Science/SS        bairdc@bcsc.k12.in.us

W. D. Richards Elementary School

3311 Fairlawn Drive

Columbus, IN  47203

Parent and Teacher Conferences

At this time in your child’s educational life, they are preparing to make a transition from elementary school to middle school.  Your child’s educational progress has been discussed many times up to this point.  If you do have any further concerns or questions you wish to discuss, we would be happy to make a time available to meet and discuss these concerns and questions with you.  If you would prefer to discuss them through email or over the phone, we can arrange that as well.  Conferences will be held the week of April 10.

Please indicate the type of conference you prefer. Sign the form and return it to school by Thursday, April 7 .


Mrs. Foster,  Mrs. Frazier,  Mrs. Koors


I would like to conference:

_________ face to face – circle one  ____before school   ____after school

_________by phone – best number and time to reach me _______________________

_________by email/written note – current email address ___________________

Student Name ____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________