• Mr. Pottorff's AP Micro Resources, Fall 2010

    Mr. Pottorff’s Out-of–Class Activities for AP Microeconomics

    Columbus East High School

    Columbus, Indiana


    scription: East High.jpg


    escription: Econ. Globe.jpg


    Taking Economics Outside the Classroom Walls

    In the table below you will find links to various websites and documents as well as directions that explain five specific assignments.  You will be working by yourself as well as with groups, please make sure to note the information below.  The first assignment is due Tuesday and the last assignment is due one week from Monday.  It is in your best interests to complete them in the order they appear.  The ultimate objective of this series of experiences is to provide context and experience for your two out-of-class activities that are due this semester.  Each activity is designed to give you a taste of resources that are available to make economics more relevant and engaging for you on a personal level.  To that end, one of your last assignments is to draft a ½ page typed document that identifies which activity you chose, a brief rationale, and a solid timeline of how you plan to complete it.

    Day Assignment
    scription: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10\j0292982.wmf Wednesday, September 1 

    Book Critique

    NOTE: Go to the Activity Table Rubriclink to see all details, expectations, and point allotments for these assignments.  
    • Print a copy of the first Economics Extensionnewsletter for reference.  You need to bring it with you each day this week.
    • Go to The Price of Everythinglink, read the Wall Street Journal article and outline its main arguments so that you get a sense of Russell Roberts’ beliefs.
    • Brief whole class discussion to make sure we have a consensus view of Russell Roberts’ beliefs
    • Click and read the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 excerpt links located at the top right of the same page.  Please take notes to use on the assignment below.
    • Homework: Type a 2-page double-spaced reflection in Word that addresses the following and is due tomorrow:
      1. A summary of the two chapter excerpts.
      1. Your opinion of Russell Roberts’ writing and economic reasoning.
      2. A thorough discussion of how the excerpts relate to topics we have already discussed in class.
    scription: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10\j0205582.wmf Thursday, 
      September 2

    Econ. Challenge
    Econ. Chall.
      • Go to the Econ. Challengewebpage and take the following two tests with your group members:
        1. Practice Your Knowledge
        1. Microeconomics Test
      • At the conclusion of each test call me over so that I can record your scores.  The team with the highest combined score receives 5 extra credit points per member.
      • Homework: Create five original questions that could be included in the Econ. Challenge.  They need to be in multiple choice format and address microeconomics.  Please post them to our class Moodle site by tomorrow.
      Friday, September 3

      Maverick Challenge

      • Visit The Maverick Challengelink and read the rules and timeline for the competition.  Please note that the timeline is for 2008, however, it roughly parallels the calendar and sequence of events for this year.  Pay special attention to the judging criteria.
      • Visit the Pitch then Plansite.  Watch the video overview and visit the various links.
      • Homework: Create a 3 slide PowerPoint presentation with ONE partner that includes the following (due Friday at the end of class):
        1. Name and location of business
        1. Target market and estimate of start-up costs
        2. Why are you convinced that your business will succeed in the Columbus market?
      scription: C:\Users\amdelptp\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\5DNEHW5W\MC900157783[1].wmf Tuesday ,
      September 7  

      Chicago Trip
      Ch Fed
      Picture of Chicago Fed
        • Go to The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Money Museumsite and explore each of the galleries.  Compile a list of five interesting facts about the museum and post them on the class Moodle site.
        • Visit Chicago’s official tourismsite and locate four stops, besides the Federal Reserve Bank, that you think would be interesting to visit on our trip to Chicago.  Choose the stops on the following two criteria:
          1. Proximity to the Federal Reserve Bank
          1. Relevance to the topics we are discussing in class
        • Homework: You will be working by yourself on this assignment.  Create a four-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes one slide for each of the four spots you chose above.  Include the following on each slide:
          1. Name and location
          2. Three bullet points describing why we should visit
          3. Slide background that includes a picture of the destination.
        • The PowerPoint is due Monday.
        scription: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10\j0195384.wmf Wednesday, September 8
        • Use the majority of the day to work on your PowerPoint presentations covering your Pitch then Plan idea (due at the end of class today) or your Chicago trip itinerary (due Monday).
        • New Work: Before you leave today I also need you to turn in your choice for this nine weeks’ out-of-class activity.  You can choose any of the four options you investigated above along with one other, serving as an officer for the Econ. Club.  This assignment should take the following format:
          1. At least ½ page double-spaced Word document.
          1. Clearly identified choice.
          2. Reason you chose this particular option.
          3. Thorough outline of the steps needed to complete the assignment.
          4. Besides a good grade, what you hope to get out of the assignment.


      Last Modified on September 2, 2010