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    email questions to davist@bcsc.k12.in.us

    Weapons of World War I Project


                World War I saw the introduction of many new weapons that revolutionized war and the way countries fight. You will be assigned one of these weapons on which you will do your project. You will have three options for your project; a 600 word essay, a PowerPoint presentation, or a Poster-board presentation. Details of each will be below. No matter which style of project you choose, there are some basic elements that must be in all three. Those elements are:

    • Inventor of Weapon and the date it was invented.
    • Which country primarily used the weapon?
    • Was the weapon an improvement on a similar weapon (What is the history behind it)?
    • How was this weapon used in battle?
    • What effect did it have on war?


    Essay: It should be at least six hundred words in length (about two pages double spaced), and be both grammatically correct as well as having perfect spelling (every computer has spell check on it!). A good paper always has an introduction paragraph (where you tell the reader what you are about to tell them) and a conclusion paragraph (where you sum up what you just told them), in addition to a few body paragraphs (this is the area where you tell them the important info on your weapon). Your paper should also have a works cited page at the end to show your websites or books used to find this info. It doesn’t have to be in MLA format. All papers must be typed and must be submitted online (Mr. Davis will direct you on how to do this). You will still be expected to give a two minute speech about your weapon.


    PowerPoint: Must be at least thirteen slides. Slides should have pictures as well as information on your weapon. Your presentation must include information on all five of the elements above, and should be in paragraph form. Your PowerPoint should look professional and include slide transitions and animation. If you want to include other things like video or sound in your project, that is fine too, but not mandatory. I also expect your work to be grammatically correct and have perfect spelling. The last slide should be a works cited page for websites and books that you used to find this info. It does not need to be in MLA format.


    Poster-Board: Must be on a tri-fold poster-board. It should include a title across the top, and then pictures (in-color) as well as information on your weapon. Your presentation must include information on all five of the elements above, and should be in paragraph form. Your presentation should look professional and be interesting to look at. Make sure that your information is typed in large font so that it can be easily read at a distance. I also expect your work to be grammatically correct and have perfect spelling. Please have a page on the back of your presentation for your works cited. It does not need to be in MLA format.

    Due Date: Jan. 27th


    Do not plagiarize! Anyone caught doing so will get a W/F as their grade for the semester in this class. All projects will be checked for this.
    Weblinks for help:
Last Modified on January 13, 2009