Eligible/Ineligible objects
Items in question regarding transportation
Band Instruments:
As long as there is room, we will allow students to have their instruments. The following rules apply:
- The instrument may not take away the seat of another student, so as to deny them a ride.
- To allow room for other students, the instrument must be carried on the students lap or stored on the floor between their legs.
- The instrument may not block any emergency doors or windows.
- For liablity purposes the cargo bay cannot be used for storage of items during regular routes.
- Large instruments will not be allowed.
The use of electronic devices, to include but not limited to, IPods, IPads, Media Devices, and Electronic Books, are allowed on the bus and may be used at the discretion of the driver, Bartholomew Consolidated School Transportation is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of any of these devices.
Any camera device used in an improper manner on the bus will be confiscated and disciplinary consequences will be administered.
- The instrument may not take away the seat of another student, so as to deny them a ride.
Last Modified on July 25, 2013