• Pick ups/Drop offs - Drop off without a responsible person present.

    Student Pick-up/Drop-off:  

    1.    Placement of bus stops will be assigned by the Transportation Department. Careful consideration will be given for their placement with safety being the highest priority.

    Student Drop-off without a Responsible Person Present: 

    1.   Depending on the age and circumstances of a child; it may not be appropriate to drop off a student at a bus stop without a responsible person present. With written notification to the Transportation Department, School and Bus Driver consideration may be given. 

        An adult must meet all special needs, early childhood, pre-kindergarten students at the bus stop. An older sibling may be allowed to meet the student if coordinated with the driver or transportation in advance.  The following steps shall be taken to insure proper supervision of the student.

    a.  The school and/or transportation office will be contacted to locate a responsible  person.

    b.  If the route has not been completed, the driver will keep the student on the bus and continue on the route.

    c.  If a responsible person has been contacted, the student will be returned home upon completion of the route or instructions as to where the responsible person can pickup the student will be given.

    d.  If a responsible person cannot be contacted the student will be returned to school.


         2.  Students are generally to be dropped off at their designated stop, unless written permission from the parent/guardian has been given. Occassional variations may occur due to roadway irregularities such as construction, weather conditions, traffic or other emergency situations. The driver will assess the situation to determine if a student can safely walk to their home from the bus location.  If there is any doubt, the driver will return the student to the school or have the parent called and alternate arrangements made.

Last Modified on November 1, 2019