• Accident Procedure

    In the event an accident/emergency has occurred use the following procedures:


    1.      Notify the Transportation Office/Manager of your exact street location and if students are hurt.

    a.       Do not get off your bus until you have notified the office.

    b.      If there is immediate danger, evacuate your students.  Students should stay on board the bus unless there is danger of fire or explosion.

    2.      Shut off the bus, take your keys and set your emergency triangles out.

    3.      Do not move the bus until an officer or supervisor has approved it, unless extreme danger could occur.

    4.      Get the orange folder out – see Transportation Crisis Plan

    a.       Utilize the seating chart to document student names and placement on the bus at the time of crash.

    b.      If students are unconscious, use the black marker to write their name on their hand/arm.

    5.      An EMT or Medical Personnel must check all students individually.

    6.      Do not release students to anyone other than emergency personal or school officials.

    7.      Do not admit or imply fault.

    8.      Do not talk with reporters.

    9.      Do not say anything regarding our insurance company

    10.  If there are injuries, the accident will be investigated by the Indiana State Police.

    11.  You will be required to fill out an accident form (located at the Transportation Office).

    12.  You will be required to take a drug and alcohol test regardless of the type or cause of accident.

    13.  If anyone other than our insurance company contacts you, do not talk with them, inform them to contact the Transportation Office.

Last Modified on July 25, 2013