• Columbus East High School
    Special Education Department


    Services Offered

    Emotional Disability

    Alternative placement for students who need to improve behavior

    Services provided to students and staff in general education settings

    Moderate Mental Disability/Multiple Disability

    Alternative placement for students who require specialized instruction and a significantly modified curriculum

    Services provided to students and staff in general education settings

    Related Services (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Assistive Technology)

    Services provided to students with disabilities

    Services provided to students and staff in general education settings

    Hearing Impaired

    Alternative placement for students with a significant hearing loss

    Services provided to students and staff in general education settings

    Visually Impaired & Orthopedic Impairment

    Services provided to students and staff in general education settings

    Support Teams (Autism, Assistive technology)

    Support services provided to staff, parents and students

    Learning Resource Center

    Academic/behavioral/assistive for identified students


    Language and articulation services for students

    Psychological Services

    Assessment of learning needs and preferences of students. • Support to staff regarding learning development.

Last Modified on August 25, 2008