• Columbus East High School - Senior Project


    East Olympian Torch



    Cummins Awards Senior Project Scholarships


    Cummins State Street Local Diversity Council awarded scholarships to two Columbus East students whose Senior Projects had a diversity theme promoting inclusiveness in the Columbus community.  In addition to a diversity theme a minimum of 25 hours of actual project work was also required. Selection was based on the overall project grade earned by the student, the potential for the project’s long term community impact, and level of creativity and originality.  This was the seventh year scholarships were offered by the Diversity Council.


    Recipients for 2010 include:
    • Megan Agnew - $500; coin collector placed at the kidscommons for the African Granny Connection
    • Connor Miller - $500; created referral maps in Spanish for Volunteers in Medicine

    Recipients for 2009 include:


    v Shannon Van Horn -

     $500; basketball camp for special needs students

    v Fredrick King -

     $200; Spanish lessons for Children, Inc. participants

    v Jordan Simpson -

     $200; court data translated to Spanish for Su Casa crime prevention program

    v Kaitlin Carnes -

     $100; aid to Guatemalan malnutrition center

    Recipients for 2008 include:

    v      McKayla Barber -

    Diversity Unity Summit

    v      Van Hoang -

    Domestic violence video for Turning Point Dance Marathon

    v      Lindsey Moore -

    Student Chairperson for the Turning Point Dance Marathon

    v      Stephanie Santos -

    Junior volunteer coordinator at Volunteers in Medicine

    v      Chanel Ward -

    Training for Columbus Police Department on recognizing and handling incidents involving people with mental disabilities

Last Modified on August 22, 2013