• Columbus East High School

    East Olympian Torch

    Attendance and Absences


    I. In case of an absence, a parent or guardian must call the deans' office (376-4493) by 10:00 a.m. during the day of the absence. Failure to do so will result in the absence being listed as unexcused. Voice mail is available 24 hours per day.

    II. Students have two (2) days after returning to school to change an unexcused absence to an excused absence with parental notification.

    III. The day before or after any school vacation, a doctor's statement may be requested to confirm an illness.


    Students may be required to have a written statement from a licensed health care provider to receive an excused absence due to illness. The parent/guardian will be notified of this requirement in a timely manner.

    Parents/guardians are encouraged to provide the school with a physician's statement that substantiates any chronic medical problem that would affect a student's regular school attendance or participation in physical education classes.


    Students must attend mods 6, 7, and 8 to participate in extracurricular activities that same day.


    For excused absences, a student may have the opportunity to make up all work and receive credit for the same. The following conditions apply:

    l. The request for make-up is the responsibility of the student. Teachers may initiate the process.

    2. The student is encouraged to complete the work prior to the absence, when possible.

    3. For excused absences of two or more consecutive days, a parent/guardian may request assignments during the period of the student's absence.

    4. Following an excused absence, students will be given a number of school days equal to the number of school days of absence to submit make-up work for credit. (Example: student who is absent on Monday and Tuesday will make up work on Wednesday and Thursday and turn it in on Friday.)


    A parent/guardian will submit a request for an excused absence due to highly extenuating circumstances and for participation in non-school sponsored state, multi-state, or national competition on the official form. This form, available in the deans' office, should be completed and submitted to the principal or designee at least two (2) school days prior to an absence, unless an emergency prevents submission prior to the date of absence. In such case of emergency, the form must be submitted within two school days following the return to school. The request will be reviewed by and subject to the approval of the principal or designee.


    I. All absences not provided for under Excused Absences shall be considered unexcused (UNX).

    II. The penalties for unexcused absences are as follows:

    A. No credit for daily work missed.

    B. For each unexcused absence of less than a whole day, without prior notification and parental approval:

    1. First offense - Student may be referred to deans' office.

    2. Second offense - Additional consequence(s) may be assigned by the dean.

    3. Third offense - Student may receive an out-of-school suspension.

    4. Fourth offense - Expulsion may be recommended to the superintendent on the recommendation of an administrator, student's counselor or dean.

    5. An accumulation of more than three (3) unexcused absences in any semester, not including days of suspension, may result in the student's withdrawal from the courses involved with a “WF.” He/she will be assigned to a study hall for the classes involved. Extenuating circumstances involved in these absences will merit review.


    1. After five (5) days of absence in a semester course, a notice may be sent to parents/guardians.

    2. A student who exceeds twelve absences in a semester course may receive no credit in the course. The reasons for the student's absence will be reviewed before a loss of credit occurs.

    3. A student who receives no credit in a course because of exceeding twelve absences in a semester course may audit the class or be assigned to a study hall.

    4. A student or parent/guardian may appeal a decision resulting in the loss of credit in a course to an attendance review committee. The committee will be composed of the principal or designee, a dean(s), a counselor, and the student's teachers

Last Modified on August 17, 2009