• Welcome to Mrs. Galbraith's Class


    Name: Sara Galbraith


    Literacy Lab


    Email Address: galbraiths@bcsc.k12.in.us


    Phone number: (812) 376-4286


    Hello! My name is Sara Galbraith and I am the Literacy Lab teacher this year. I am a graduate of Hauser High School and Franklin College where I graduated as a double major in Secondary Education and English. I previously taught at Columbus North High School here in Columbus. I recently got married and my husband now works as a Biology teacher at Benjamin Rush Middle School. I have lived in the Columbus area all my life and I am happy to be living and teaching here!


    I want to welcome you to my web page and I look forward to a great year. I hope that the information you find will be helpful in assisting your child in progressing in their education. I feel that if we work together as a team, we can ensure that the student can receive an excellent education and have a productive year.


    My belief is that the teacher, students, and parents are a team in which the solitary purpose should be an effective education. The purpose of the student's education is to inform them with material which will be essential to them as a citizen in today's world. There are necessary materials that they should learn and also behaviors that are expected to be exhibited. I will hold high expectations for them in not only academics but also in behavior. I will make sure to give them the knowledge that will benefit them beyond this classroom.


    If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to e-mail me or call and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

    Thank you!


    Central Middle School

     Helpful Links


    Period 1-- Class

    Period 2 -- Class

    Period 3 -- Class

    Period 4-- Class

    Period 5--  Lunch

    Period 6 -- Team Meeting

    Period 7 -- Prep

    Period 8 -- Global Connections
Last Modified on February 18, 2019