•  Production/Publications


    "Ride the Bolt" is our 2010/2011 theme for the yearbook!

    Name: Karen Greathouse
    Email Address: greathousek@bcsc.k12.in.us
    Phone number: (812) 376-4286 ext. 1166

     Welcome to Productions/Publications
         This year we will be working on nine technology programs that will introduce you to the basics of journalism, photography, computer animation, 3D design, and multimedia.  Each of these programs will give you some new learning tools to take with you into other classrooms.
           The emphasis in this course will be on writing, producing, and editing; and many of these assignnments will require these activities. 
            The nine programs are: Alice, Gimp, Google Sketch, Wordle, Yearbook Avenue, Photostory, Picasa, Freemind and Publisher. You will choose one program each week to learn; however, an instruction sheet must be submitted through Moodle each Friday.  Please see my Moodle site for further information on each assignment.
            It is my hope that you will enjoy this course as much as I will this year!  Please let me know if you have any questions! 
           Have a great day!



    Quick Links
    • Citation Help                                      www.noodletools.com 


Last Modified on January 14, 2011