• Welcome to Central Middle School

    Name: Margo Seastrom
    Email Address: Seastromm@bcsc.k12.in.us
    Phone number: 376-4286

    Hello, I am entering my 29th year of teaching with BCSC. I have enjoyed teaching elementary physical education, middle school physical education, and middle school health.  I currently teach both 7th and 8th grade health classes.   Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have concerning health classes.
    7th grade curriculum                                           8th grade curriculum
    -  What is Health                                                 -  Dating and Date Violence
    -  Goals                                                              -  Human Reproductive Structures
    -  Alcohol                                                           -  STDs
    -  Tobacco                                                          -  Contraception
    -  Body Systems                                                  -  Fetal Development
    -  Abuse and Violence                                          -  Birth
    -  Emergency First Aid                                         -  Teen Parenthood
                                                                             -  Drugs





Last Modified on September 16, 2019