• Columbus East High School - Senior Project
    East Olympian Torch

    Why Be A Mentor?

    • A mentor can provide a special caring or bond which may help to keep a student focused on school and learning.
    • Mentors can act as advocates.
    • Mentors have a role in supporting academic achievement by tutoring, developing time management habits, and assisting with projects.
    • Mentors model and help students develop employability skills including reliability, dependability, communication skills, team work, and knowledge of proper dress and language.
    • Mentors can help students set goals, make decisions, and resolve problems
    • Mentors can provide youth with access to the values, customs, resources and experiences of different occupational and social worlds. At the same time, mentors gain direct knowledge of the challenges and experiences specific to the world of their protégés.
    • It is a "stretch" for the mentor because mentoring requires commitment, patience, persistence, and giving without always receiving.

    The best mentoring experience not only provides the student with an important relationship, but empowers the young person to use the experience to plan and work for the future.

    It is the supreme art of the mentor to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

    -Albert Einstein

Last Modified on June 25, 2009