• Columbus East High School - Senior Project
    East Olympian Torch


    Mentor Requirements


    • Have expertise in the field with significant experience in the student's selected topic; 


    • Be over 21 years of age, not the student's peer;


    • Boyfriends or girlfriends of students may not be their mentor -- no matter the age of the boyfriend or girlfriend, parents of a boyfriend or girlfriend should not mentor a student;


    • Not a relative of the student;


    • Be available for consultation with the student on a regular basis;


    • Verify hours and student work completed on the project;


    • Have a valid, working e-mail address and ability to communicate electronically.



    Mentoring Guidelines


    • Act as a primary resource (be interviewed, provide information) for the student during the research paper phase;


    • Suggest sources that the student can seek out for research;


    • Share with the student any materials to which you have access that will help the students complete the paper or project;


    • Meet with the student on a regular basis to check progress;


    • Assist the student in establishing objectives and keeping a log of activities completed while meeting;


    • Give the student practical experience in the area of the chosen topic;


    • Listen to the student's practice speech and offer appropriate feedback;


    • Encourage the student to perform at a maximum level.


    Remember – a mentor is a guide.
    It is not expected that you DO the project for the student, but GUIDE the student through the process.

Last Modified on January 24, 2018