May 2014

W.D. Richards PTO – 05/05/2015

The meeting was called to order by Sarah Kushman at 7:05 pm.  There were 10 people in attendance.  Minutes were approved from previous meeting with no corrections. 

Principals Report

  • Walk to school day 5/6

  • Fire Engine will be at school for kids to see

  • Chromebooks have been distributed to all kids grades 1-6

  • New playground equipment is needed desperately…however expense is causing set back.  BCSC will not help…City will not help.  Looking for ideas on how to replace/repair what is currently at the school

  • Many teachers are moving around for next year.  Still looking for new art teacher.  Will be welcoming at least 3 new teachers for 2015-2016 school year.

  • ISTEP paper to pencil initiative went well

Field Day

  • Volunteer response has been very good

  • Bounce House has been ordered

  • Snow cones & ice needed; flavors coming from school

  • Extra coolers needed

  • Same games as last year

Budget Presentation

  • Bradford Woods “days” are over.  Spring Hill replacing. 

  • Reallocated $1875.00 to other areas

Market Day

  • This program will now be staying at Richards after discussions were had with new rep Tammy Johannason. 

Classroom BuzzBooks

  • BuzzBooks will be created for each grade as opposed to entire school

  • Student/family contact information will be collected during back to school night with hopes of better participation

  • Class that has best response will earn an ice cream party

  • Electronic versions will be emailed to parents once complete by teacher

Fall Festival

  • The Fall Festival is set for Friday, November  7th, 2014

  • Mr. Sprong will be looking into getting the bounce house for this year’s fall festival

  • Starting to contact local stores/businesses to get items for silent auction.

Officer Reports

President Elect – Sarah Kushman

Book Fair

  • May 13-15, 2015

  • Volunteers Tracy and Ashley to assist with book fair

  • Will be held during scheduled classroom library time

  • Penny Schneider will be taking care of getting books for retiring teachers

Talent Show Wrap-up

  • Went very well.  Raised over $500.00 for the Richards music department.

W.D. Richards 50th Birthday

  • Looking into having shirts made for spirit wear for 50th birthday celebration

  • Also looking into new shirts for PTO


  • Labels & Box Tops/Community Shoppers Plan – Shelley Walker

    • All Marsh Fresh Idea Cards will need to be reenrolled for Richards to receive rewards

  • Market Day – Sarah Kushman

  • Skating Party – Emily Lambrecht

  • Richards Rewards Program – Teresa Moyer

1st Vice President – Teresa Moyer

  • Staff Appreciation – Katie Schadenfroh

  • Staff Appreciation week activities all set – Breakfast from Panera, Lunch from parents/PTO, Polar Pop Day

2nd Vice President – Melissa Voils

Secretary – Lindsay Wheatley

Treasurer – Shelley Walker

  • Please retain all receipts for reimbursement


Meeting was adjourned at 8pm.  Meetings for next year were set.

  • July 28th – Exec Meeting – 6:30 at Chili’s

  • August 11th

  • October 13th

  • November 10th