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    Hello! My name is Blake Manuel and I am the Assistant Principal at Central Middle School. The 2019-2020 school year will be my 7th year at Central and my 3rd as Assistant Principal.


    I am extremely excited to work with the students and families of CMS in this position and you should always feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. You can reach me via email at manuelb@bcsc.k12.in.us or by phone at (812) 376-4283 and I will do my best to get in touch as quickly as I can.


    In case you were curious, here is some more info about me!

    My wife Bailey and I have lived in Columbus for the past 7 years and we absolutely love it! We enjoy eating ice cream at Zaharakos or riding our bikes down the People’s Trail. We also love to travel and have campfires with our friends! Our first son just turned two, and this past summer we had our 2nd son! We are having a blast watching them grow up and try out new things!

Last Modified on July 18, 2019