• Commonly asked Questions & Answers:

    Q: Why does the Athletic Department need a Booster Club?
    A: The Athletic Department is a self funding program. Almost all our funding is from concession sales and ticket sales.
    Q: Who can join the CMS Booster Club?
    A: Anyone can join. We would like 100% participation by our student-athlete parents and all our coaches.
    Q: How much does it cost?
    A: To join the club, there are various contributions. The choices of contributions are $10, $25, $50, $100, $150, $200, $250, $500, and also sponsorships.
    Q: What will be purchased with the money?
    A: The money will go towards purchasing new equipment, uniforms, extra coaching stipends, etc. for the teams at Central Middle School.
    Q: Why do we need a CMS Booster Club?
    A: The athletic department needs boosters to add backing to its sports teams (both in spirit as well as monetarily).
    If you have any other questions, email Joe Bronkella at bronkellaj@bcsc.k12.in.us or call at (812) 376-4238.