• Questions and Answers for Parents around Universal Design for Learning


    1. What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
      1. UDL is a way for teachers to think through and teach their lessons to make sure they reach every student.  There are four pieces or principles of UDL. First, teachers decide on a specific goal for the lesson or unit. Second, teachers look at how to make the lesson interesting to each student. Third, teachers make sure they are teaching the topic in many different ways. And fourth, teachers check to see how students share what they know.


    1. How does Universal Design for Learning improve learning?
      1. Teachers choose the activities that will get and hold the student’s interest in the topic. Teachers also teach the topic in different ways. This makes sure everyone has the opportunity to learn and teachers make sure all students share what they know. When all students are given the opportunity to learn and show what they know in ways that make them successful, their learning improves.


    1. Where do I find out more about Universal Design for Learning?
      1. Parents can visit the UDL site on the BCSC website by clicking on the “Departments” tab and choosing “UDL” from the list.  We have many website links. The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) is the leader in UDL and their information is on our website or at www.cast.org.


    1. How do I know that my child’s teacher is using Universal Design for Learning in the classroom?
      1. Talk with your child’s teacher.  Ask what strategies he or she uses to get the students interested. Ask how the same topic is taught in different ways. Ask how your child was able to show what he or she learned during and after the lesson.


    1. How does UDL help my child?
      1. When children get to learn in many ways they can learn about how they learn.  When children understand how they learn, they take charge of their learning.  When teachers use UDL to make up their lessons, your child has more chances to see how he or she learns.


    1. How long will BCSC focus on Universal Design for Learning?
      1. UDL is what teachers at BCSC’s use to decide how they teach a lesson. It will continue to be a part of BCSC.


    1. Is Universal Design for Learning just in the elementary schools?
      1. Absolutely not.  UDL is used in all classrooms in BCSC.  All students can benefit from a lesson taught with the principles of UDL: deciding on a specific goal for the lesson or unit; looking at how to make the lesson interesting to each student; making sure they are teaching the topic in many different ways; and checking to see how students share what they know.


    1. How do Positive Behavior Support (PBS) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) work together?
      1. PBS is about making schools a positive and motivating place to be. Students learn the expectations or rules and everyone is expected to follow them.  When students know what behaviors are expected and have learned those behaviors, they can concentrate on learning.  That’s where UDL comes in.  Because the school is practicing PBS, teachers can focus on the learning needs of each student which means they are using UDL.


    1. How do Project Based Learning (PBL) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) work together?
      1. Project Based Learning focuses on students taking the lead in solving a problem or issue and teachers becoming coaches or facilitators.  PBL takes a lot of planning time and effort by the teacher to make sure the students’ learning will match with Indiana’s Academic Standards. Teachers need to make sure that all students will participate throughout the entire project. Students also need to have different opportunities and options in how they approach the problem or issue and they must be able to present their solution or solutions in a multitude of ways.

    Please click here for more information on the BCSC Universal Design for Learning.

Last Modified on November 8, 2017