• C4 Goals and Challenges

    C4 staff and stakeholders have identified six goals and resulting challenges that are critical to the success of the program.  These six challenges are the basis for all activites and services provided by C4.
    PLTW students work together on a project
    Goal/Challenge 1:  Accessibility
    Accessibility of C4 programs and classes for all students considering scheduling, transportation and calendar restraints
    Students at the C4 Career Fair
    Goal/Challenge 2:  Image and Appeal
    Awareness of C4 programming throughout the region focusing on the opportunities available through career and technical education 
    C4 students visit Indiana University
    Goal/Challenge 3: Curriculum, Standards, and Articulation
    Changing needs for interdisciplinary and integrated curriculum based on the expectations of post-secondary institutions and employers
    Ag students help build a playground for Early Childhood Education classes
    Goal/Challenge 4: Resources
    Enhancing student performance through the redesign of programs and facilities and by the efficient and effective management of resources
    C4 Construction students setting trusses at construction site
    Goal/Challenge 5: Safety
    Providing a working and learning environment that complies with federal and state safety regulations



    C4 East Televison control room
    Goal/Challenge 6: School Climate 
    Exposing students to an improved learning environment through
     enhanced faculty and staff satisfaction and motivation
Last Modified on November 7, 2017