Columbus East High School
Interpersonal Relationships
1 semester, 1 credit
Grades 9 -12Interpersonal Relationships addresses the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors all students need to participate in positive, caring, and respectful relationships in the family and with individuals in school, in the community, and in the workplace. A project-based approach that utilizes higher order thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes is recommended in order to integrate suggested topics into the study of individual and family responsibilities in relationships; functions and expectations of various relationship; ethics in relationships; factors that impact relationships (e.g. power, conflicting interest, peer pressure, life evident); establishing and maintaining relationships; building self-esteem and self-image through healthy relationships; communication styles; techniques for effective communication, leadership, and teamwork; individual and group goal setting and decision making; preventing and managing stress and conflict; and addressing violence and abuse. One of the 5 FACS courses from which students my choose 3 to fulfill the required Health and Safety credit.