• Columbus East High School

    (Senior Year)

    Senior Capstone Year
    The Senior Capstone Experience/Senior Project is a student-selected exploration of a topic, which results in a formal proposal research paper, a project or a product, and a presentation. The student also prepares a portfolio of writing exercises and logs, as well as the research paper. The Senior Capstone Expereince moves students away from departmentalized learning toward a more interdisciplinalry approach. This approach is one, which allows students to use a variety of skills in the areas of writing, reading, research, speaking, and documentation. upon completion of the Senior Capstone Experience, students have learned more about their topics, their community, and most importantly, about themselves. In his book, Results: the Key to Continuous School Improvement, Mike Schmoker writes, "Seeing what children have actually done extends our sense of student potential and defies the limits we might put on the children." The Senior Capstone Experience gives students opportunities to 'defy the limits.'
Last Modified on June 22, 2009