• HelpCounseling

    So what is it that the counselors do all day?

    Counselors provide a comprehensive, developmental program for all students.  This includes helping students building personal and social skills, become the best students academically they can be, and help students prepare for whatever their futures may hold.

    How do they do this? 

    ...By helping students make a smooth transition to the middle school and from year to year.  They provide classroom guidance lessons each month.  These lessons are aligned with the Indiana Student standards for Guidance.  These standards are voluntary and considered by the state to be essential for student preparation for college and the workforce.

    Counselors also work with students individually and in small groups on pertinent issues.  Consultation with teachers, administrators, and parents is focused on helping students be successful.

    All information shared with a counselor remains confidential unless there may be a potential harm to the student or others.
Last Modified on October 14, 2008