• Central Middle School
    Positive Behavior Support - CAPS - Procedures

    · Use school appropriate language.

    · Place all trash in trash cans.

    · Insure the safety of others by avoiding aggressive talk and behavior.

    · Wipe off shoes when entering the building.

    · Walk around the outside edge of the gym floor.

    · Use equipment in a safe and non-aggressive manner.

    · Arrive by 7:40 a.m.

    · Go directly to your designated area.

    · Always ask and wait for permission before leaving the area.

    · Enter and leave the building by walking.

    · Keep voices low enough to hear instructions.

    · Allow /encourage others to do their own work by not sharing your answers.

    · Keep your possessions in your own personal space.

    · Bring all necessary books and materials to your class.

    · Take all necessary materials and books with you when leaving.

    · Maintain your focus.

    Arrival and Dismissal Procedure
    Cafeteria #1
    Cafeteria #2
    Convocation and Extra-Curricular Activities Procedures
    Hallway, Stairway, and Restroom Procedures
    Locker Room Procedures
    Office Procedures

Last Modified on November 30, 2009