C4 Columbus Area Career Connection provides career and technical education to over 3000 high school students in Bartholomew, Brown, Decatur, Jackson and portions of Johnson counties. These students come to C4 classes from eight different school corporations and represent eleven schools. Below are the C4 participating schools and their website links.
Brown County High School http://www.eagleseye.netColumbus East High School https://www.bcsc.k12.in.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=522Columbus North High School https://www.bcsc.k12.in.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=1324Crothersville High School http://www.crothersville.k12.in.us/Edinburgh High School http://www.ecsc.k12.in.usGreensburg High School http://www.greensburg.k12.in.us/gchs/index.htmlHauser High School http://www.flatrock.k12.in.us/hauserNorth Decatur High School http://ndhs.decaturco.k12.in.us/Seymour High School http://shs.scsc.k12.in.us/South Decatur High School http://sdhs.decaturco.k12.in.us/
Last Modified on November 7, 2017