• Hello ! Welcome to Dale Nowlin - Math Dept Chair!

    Name: Dale Nowlin
    Email Address: nowlind@bcsc.k12.in.us
    Phone number: 376-4206
    Mathematics Teacher, Mathematics Department Chair
    12th Grade Teacher Representative on the National Assessment Governing Board

    Daily Schedule
    7:45 - 8:30        Period 1       Department Time (Northside on Tuesday
    8:36 - 9:21        Period 2       Department Time (Northside on Tuesday)
    9:27 - 10:12      Period 3       Department Time (Northside on Tuesday)
    10:18-11:06      Period 4       BC Calculus 
    11:12 - 11:57    Period 5A     Geometry  
    11:57 - 12:42    Period 5C    Lunch 
    12:48-3:15        Periods 6-8    Department Work (North High School T,W,F)
                                                Department Work (Northside MS M, Th)
    Quick Links

    Dale Nowlin

Last Modified on September 28, 2019