• Textbook            Chinese Levels 1-5, AP Prep

    • Mandarin Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing/Typing
    After 3 years of Chinese -  Can test out of 1st year Chinese at I.U.
    2019 - Chinese 4 student scored a '5' on Chinese AP Exam.
    2021 Summer EF Trip:  Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai
    Great Wall
    Martial Arts School Visit
    Summer Palace - Beijing
      Forbidden City   Yummy food! 煎饼
     Terra Cotta Soldiers
    100 Stories Up-Shanghai
     Buddhist Temple
    Hanfu - dressing up for pics
    汤老师  Tāng Lǎoshī  Jana Thompson
     e-mail:  thompsonj@bcsc.k12.in.us
    Calligraphy class
     Summer Palace
    "I hear and I forget.
     I see and I remember.
     I do and I understand."
    • competitive
    • intense language learning / great fluency
    • NO COST to you  if accepted
    • sponsored by U.S. Dept. of State
    • BCSC has had 4 students accepted 
    • after 2 years of Chinese
    • immersion / live with family
    • financial aid available
    • good preparation for college level Chinese


Last Modified on October 4, 2019